
The CHROMEupgrade project will develop and implement on a pilot scale, complex devices for the separation of ore and the main mineral phases of waste rock. This objective will be achieved by an in-depth study (mineralogical-petrographic, chemical, structural) of the ores and rocks expected to feed the chromite beneficiation plant at Vourinos and by the selection of appropriate -different- methods for the separation of the mineral phases. For the utilisation of the waste rock, an appropriate method of separating olivine and serpentine in the by-product to be produced will be developed in parallel with the ore-sterile separation. produced by the ore beneficiation process. In this way, two distinct mineral phases (olivine – serpentine) will be produced, of which olivine will be a product ready for use in its already known applications. As far as serpentine (secondary mineral product of olivine alteration) is concerned, experiments will be carried out on its thermal treatment in order to convert it back into olivine (to the maximum extent possible) and the treated end product of this process will be tested in environmental and other applications (e.g. neutralisation of acid mine drainage). At the same time, the heat treatment is expected to address the possible presence of (micro-)chrysotile in these by-products.



The objectives of the project are within the framework of the circular economy, the green economy, sustainable development and the European Union’s guidelines for the development of technologies to be applied by industry that will produce zero waste from all industrial activities in the medium term.


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